Here is Your Permission to Take Care of Yourself First!

Hello dear ones!

Today, I'm celebrating you—yes, you, the brave and courageous CEO, founder, entrepreneur, and leader. You make things happen, and you’re a beacon of creativity. I hope you truly enjoy what you do. However, I want to address a common issue many of us face: suffering.

Suffering, in this context, means the absence of inner peace and joy. Feelings of anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, frustration, and irritation can rob us of our well-being. As leaders, we often experience this suffering due to the pressures we face daily. Over my years of coaching executives, I’ve noticed a recurring theme: internal tension and misalignment within themselves and their teams.

Why does this happen? It stems from a fundamental belief many of us were raised with: it’s not okay to prioritize ourselves. We were taught not to be selfish, which leads us to neglect our own needs. We put everything and everyone else first—our kids, clients, team members—and leave no time for ourselves. This neglect breeds resentment and dissatisfaction, often subconsciously.

So, I want to give you permission to prioritize yourself. Start each day with a few minutes dedicated solely to you. Even just two minutes of deep, mindful breathing can make a difference. Breathe deeply, thank the universe for the gift of breath, and be present.

When you focus on your breath, you start to notice your thoughts—the ones that trigger anxiety, frustration, and fear. Noticing these thoughts is powerful because it allows you to choose a different response. Instead of reacting out of habit, you can choose a response that aligns with your true self and desired outcomes.

Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish; it’s essential. When you prioritize your well-being, you’ll find it easier to be present for your team, clients, and creative pursuits. You’ll break free from old patterns that don’t serve you and cultivate a more fulfilling and productive life.

So, give yourself permission to take care of you. Whether it’s a daily breath practice, regular exercise, or simply saying no when you don’t have a whole-hearted yes, invest in yourself. This investment will pay off in how you lead your people and grow your business.

I’d love to support you on this journey. Let’s discuss how you can take better care of yourself and lead from a place of presence and peace. Consider a 45-minute call with me, or for my high-achievers, a VIP day dedicated to transforming your leadership and personal well-being.

Thank you for being here. I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this message. How will you prioritize yourself today?

Joy to you!




Addressing Suffering to Find Inner Peace and Joy


Beyond the Push - Understanding Sustainable Success