Fighting for love versus fear at work

CEOs, founders, and overachievers,

The workspace is usually filled with anxiety, frustration, lack of clarity, and connection. How did we get here?

Striving for answers outside of ourselves to bring us joy, peace, identity, and acceptance has been what we have been taught unconsciously since we were young.

No blame. It’s what our parents were taught. It’s what our teachers were taught. And it’s what we were taught. But how is this really working for us? (To seek someone else’s stamp of approval, in order to feel loved. To be good enough, when we have achieved enough to be afraid to voice, our own thoughts because we won’t be accepted if we do.)

What if there is another way to bring peace inside of ourselves and have sustainable joy -no matter what happens on the outside? Don’t you really want this as a leader in your life and your business?

Do you know how to get there- this state of peace, joy, and love?

What I have found is that by studying Conscious Leadership over the last decade, I have gained tools to support my thinking that changes my emotions that also brings a new behavior. These are tools that I have practiced and studied and continue to hone every day. Why is that? Because 98% of the time we all are not present. When we are not present, we are either going to the future -and we get fearful because we don’t know what will happen. Or, we live in the past, clinging to resentment with would have and should have thoughts. We don’t live fully in in the present, so we miss opportunities to truly relate to yourself and those right in front of us. We miss opportunities to grow connections to clients and potential new business when we are not present.

Science says that we are motivated by safety. The unconscious mind will always pull you back to a place of wanting to know, because there it is safe. But we can’t know the future! We can’t know everything. And, we know that safety is not about bringing on something new and trying a new path.

Safety keeps us right where we are with what we know -even if the situation is not serving us. It is why people suffer. We all know there’s something beyond safety but we’re too afraid to go beyond it.

If you could take one step into something new that your heart really wants and you know it would also be filled with joy, what would that very next step be?

Trying something new absolutely will be scary. Because it’s new. But if you don’t take that next step, you will suffer, because you stay stuck in fear. The new step actually moves you through the fear and into joy. So what is that one step you’re going to take for this new year that will be a stretch to your mind and your heart really desires it?

The change formula actually is vision x discomfort + the very next step (that has fear in it) = change.

The only way to the other side is to step through your fear and to love yourself, while you do that. It is normal and natural. Take that one step. I’d love to hear what you’re going to step into!

Keep stepping forward, bringing love to meet your fear.

All things are possible when we keep stepping beyond ourselves and into more love that conquers the stuck fear state.

Leaders who live this way and guide their people to experience growth from the inside out, and are the ones who have a sustainable thriving businesses.

If you feel stuck to take the next step, reach out to me for a 15-minute call. Let’s examine how you can break free to the very next step.

Joy. Peace. Love.



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