Embracing Your True Self

When you suffer (when you don't have inner peace and joy just because), it's often because you're unaware of how you dim your own beautiful light đź’ˇ inside.

In this fast-paced lifestyle we've accepted as "normal," we've unconsciously conditioned ourselves to be uncomfortable sitting still. In fact, taking a moment to rest without achieving can make us anxious.

Notice how you feel when you're not taking time for yourself to just be.

The mind wanders quickly, and the body pushes forward even when there's anxiety, frustration, or physical sensations like headaches, neck tightness, a sore jaw, or tense shoulders. And once we start running, we're off to the races, running even faster. The adrenaline courses through us, sustaining us temporarily. We've become addicted to this rush.

We believe we must accomplish as much as possible every day, being efficient constantly—yet this no longer serves us, our relationships, or even our businesses.

Can you relate to this?

What is it costing you to not pause and check in with yourself each day?

To know yourself is to understand what's truly for you: what you want to say, how you want to feel, and what you want to create in the world that brings you more peace and joy with ease.

You have a bright, shining light inside that gets covered up when you're constantly on the run. Ignoring yourself is the cover-up.

It's not that you don't know what lights you up! You just haven't been paying attention to your inner voice that knows what your heart desires and what you want to bring to the world.

You've learned not to trust yourself because you haven't been present with yourself. You've ignored yourself and haven't tested what is true for you. Your tests have been focused on what others think and want.

Unconsciously, your mind is always looking outside of yourself to keep you safe, and that's where you lose your whole self.

Safety never breeds creativity and growth. The unconscious mind looks for anything that could go wrong to keep you safe, and that’s where you lose your whole self.

You are more than an alert system!

Your work is to break free from this limiting unconscious normal and create a new normal.

One way to shift is to do the opposite of what you're thinking and doing—create a new feeling inside yourself. And yes, it's scary to take this step. That's okay.

A quick way to turn on your light is to take 10 minutes in the morning to walk outside, look at the sun coming up, and hear the birds chirping. Take three deep breaths, all the way in and all the way out. Notice yourself standing on the Earth. Look around at the vastness that surrounds you. Notice that you are safe in this big world in that very moment. Stay in the moment by staying with your breath. Smile. How is it that you have been created to live in this amazing world? Look at the beauty all around you. You are a part of this!

Your breath is a gift. You can't go get it; it's here for as long as it needs to be, and then it's permanently gone. Appreciate this gift.

Practicing coming home to yourself is just that—practice. Going beyond where you are now requires deciding who you want to become and what you want to create. You must be still to listen to your inner wisdom. Breathe deeply and listen.

Research shows that staying with your breath and breathing deeply as much as possible during the day actually rewires your nervous system and blood chemistry, reducing cortisol and increasing serotonin to comfort and calm you.

Doing the opposite of what we consider to be normal is scary, and the mind will fight you. This is normal. It's your work to tell yourself that you are safe right now and remind your mind that you are in control of it, your body, and your whole being. You hold the power when you trust and know your voice.

You know what your heart desires—when you give it what it seeks, you feel so much joy! Feel your heart expand and test yourself. Try the unknown that your heart urges you to do.

Take a few minutes every morning to have a cup of coffee or tea and look out the window. Notice how you're sitting and how the warmth of your drink feels as it goes down your throat into your stomach. Isn't it amazing that you have such a body that takes care of you?! Doing these simple things helps you notice yourself more, day by day—until you start to listen to yourself more overall and create a new normal.

You have the power to decide how you want to be by knowing your thoughts. Question them at every turn. Are they thoughts that bring you a greater brightness inside, or do they dim you? Dimming is safety, so choose to do something new. There will be fear, but send that fearful part of you extra love from your heart. Meet yourself and move forward. Feel courageous because you've taken a new step or a different path than you normally do. Celebrate your curiosity and your amazing, unique self.

Coming back home to yourself allows you to start living the life you're called to live, rather than being reactive to the running.

Be the best version of you so you can give your best to those in your world. Taking care of yourself is loving yourself, and you can't truly love those around you unless you do this.

I will be sharing more information on how to connect with nature and the benefits of this for your soul and body.

Look around you and appreciate that you live in such a time as this. Decide how you want to feel today and what you want to tell yourself to make that happen.

You are the creator of your life. No one can take that away.

If you’re ready to explore how you can embrace your true self, let’s talk.

Now, get outside and lie in the grass. Sit under a tree and read a book. Go to a river and watch it flow over the rocks. Be the observer of yourself and what's around you. What you focus on is what you create.

Be the decider, right here, right now. We only have this one life, and we only have this one moment.




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