Create Sustainable Thriving Communication

Hello dear ones!

Throughout my career, spanning numerous industries and various company sizes from Chicago to Nashville and across the globe, I've consistently observed a common issue: drama, especially within leadership teams. Many people mistakenly believe that drama originates from external sources or other individuals. However, I want to emphasize that drama is something we can all eliminate, and it starts within us.

Drama is an internal issue, stemming from our unconscious thoughts, which account for 96 to 98% of our thinking. With 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day, we often repeat the same patterns that generate negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, irritation, and sadness. Over time, we become unintentionally addicted to these thoughts, believing them to be true. This mindset then affects our behavior and interactions, both internally and externally.

For example, as leaders, we might think a team member won’t complete a task to our standards or quickly enough. Consequently, we step in, taking over responsibilities that should be delegated. This creates drama with the team member who was initially assigned the task, leading them to feel untrusted and demotivated. This cycle perpetuates itself, resulting in decreased engagement and performance.

This pattern of behavior is universal, affecting leaders across all levels, from startups to billion-dollar enterprises. The key is learning how to individually break free from this drama to prevent it from spreading within our teams. It's crucial to address how we communicate with our teammates, especially when we notice them caught up in their own drama. Joining them in their turmoil often leads to defensiveness and conflict, wasting time and resources and creating a toxic work environment.

If you find yourself or your team entangled in drama, lacking peace or joy, it's essential to address these issues head-on. Unresolved drama negatively impacts revenue, client growth, team engagement, and overall well-being.

I invite you to reach out for a 45-minute call to discuss how to eliminate these destructive patterns. By learning how to foster peace, establish clear communication, and address issues effectively, you can transform your team's culture, outcomes, and revenue. These are tools I provide to my clients, and they make a significant difference in their organizations.

Let's work together to create a thriving, drama-free environment where everyone can succeed and feel good about their contributions. I look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve sustainable, thriving communication within your team.

Joy to you!




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