2024 Stress Reduction and Greater Wins for CEOs and Founders

Do you want to have less stress and get more done in 2024?

That is a silly question - Of course you do!

So how do you do that?

How do you create a business and a culture that is thriving with limited overwhelm?

Mark Cuban shares a few of his ideas here.

Yet, my experience has found that most leaders and teams do not know how to destress themselves for the long haul and how to be efficient, clear-minded, and creating from their full potential.

Going deeper as to how to really apply optimal thinking that brings greater collaboration and revenue is the invaluable practice work of the CEO - and to then lead their people.

Do you know how to apply emotional intelligence instead of reacting out of triggers? Knowing how to practice this is one simple step that changes communication and brings about impactful meetings, aligned action, and quicker revenue growth.

Reach out to me if you would like to understand how to optimize your emotional intelligence and raise your leaders to do the same. Triggers cause stress! We want to learn how to move past them.

Double your business with Genius- ship tools. Get out is the weeds and get to your Genius.

What other founders said:

Tyler Etters | Vice President – Highland Solutions – Chicago, IL

“Debra has fundamentally changed how I think about leadership, my team, and myself. My leadership team and I started working with her about two years ago. In that time, I’ve grown into leading from heart and gut - and not just the head. I've experienced more energy and joy in my work. I've learned that the world and events aren’t happening "to me" but that my perception of them sculpts my reality. Debra is incredibly empathic, kind, and loving yet simultaneously direct, challenging, and inspiring. I’m proud to say I've shed quite a few tears during and after my sessions with her as I’ve realized new things or grown in new ways. Our team has a higher cohesion and level of trust than I thought possible in a professional setting. I highly recommend Debra if you have the courage to grow. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.”

Lorilee Sadler Bielski | Managing Partner at Gamma Partners - Lake Bluff, IL

“I began working with Debra two years ago. In that time, I became clear on my own personal "why" and what the true nature of our business is. That clarity has enabled me to lead the organization from a place of curiosity and wondering that has fostered creativity and growth in the business. I am much more focused on the "why" of our business, which is about relationships and connections, than the "how" of our business. As a result, I'm less in the weeds - less stressed, less anxious, and more trusting that “what is" is what "should be.

"I'm more present to our clients' desires and more conscious of the business dynamics that hold them back and propel them forward. I am more candid, both with clients and staff, and fear less the result of candor, for I know the cost of withholding is far greater. This shift has freed our amazing team to live in their genius - to show up for our company and our clients with all their abilities. As a company, we stand in who we are much more comfortably today, and we know sooner and with greater confidence when we meet potential clients who will be a good fit. We're protective of our culture and all it enables, and we celebrate our awesome work.”

“My Genius is seeing Yours”

Set a 15 minute call with me here. Don’t waste any more energy and time.

Let’s begin a new year a new way!




Genius Leadership is Who You Are Called To Be


Celebrating The Gift That You Are